International Outreach

Events geared to attracting and facilitating the needs of International Students.

“Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples! – 1 Chronicles 16:24

Christianity is far from being a western religion; the gospel is just as important in the most far away nations as it is here in the UK. Here in Durham, with around 1/3 of students being international, we are fortunate to have the nations come to us!

Many of these students would not have had the opportunity to hear the gospel – whether it be because of culture, restrictions or persecution by governments, or any other number of reasons. While here in the UK, students have an incredible opportunity to encounter the Lord and read His word freely.

Below are some of the ways the CU does this…

The Big Christmas Dinner

One of the best ways to attract international students is to utilise our natural interest in culture. As such, the CU put on a massive traditional Christmas Dinner featuring free British Christmas Cuisine. Alongside it, a gospel talk was hosted giving attendees a true understanding of the meaning of Christmas – Jesus! We were fortunate to 150 students from around the world join us!

Events Week Cultural Hour

As part of our large Events Week, we dedicate a slot focussed on questions someone from a non-British culture might ask. They also feature cultural meals to foster a welcoming environment and to encourage attendees to talk to one another about what is being discussed.

Aside from these larger events, there are other events we put on regularly, some of which are done collaboratively with local churches.


A group called Corners is a little community of people from every corner of the world and we love welcoming new people. We meet each week to hear about what Christians believe, learn about British culture, and have fun together with a meal and some games. This is a collaboration between local churches and the CU.

Japanese Conversation Partners (JCP)

We’re really lucky in Durham to have an overseas campus of Teiyko university, where Japanese students come over for 6 months to learn English. We run a conversation partner programme which pairs up a Japanese student with a member of the Christian Union. Partners are encouraged to meet up as often as they like to hang out, practise English, share food, culture and other interests.

Partners meet every week to chat, play games, eat snacks and look at a part of the Bible together. It’s a great place to make friends from different cultures and discuss any questions about God, Jesus and faith.

Language Conversation Partners (LCP)

This is an opportunity to be linked with a member of the Christian Union to meet up as regularly as you want. You can hang out, make friends, practise English and, if you’d like, explore what Christians believe. Anyone is welcome to sign up!

You’ll make new friends whilst practising your English one-on-one, sharing food, culture and other interests.

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