
Outreach is the very heart of why the CU exists. As such, there are many exciting ways in which we undertake this!

Big Question Lunchbar

Every few weeks the Christian Union welcomes students along to a free talk and lunch, exploring questions of faith, Christianity and the claims of Jesus. Recent talks have included, ‘Why doesn’t God answer my prayers?’ and ‘Do all religions ultimately point towards the same God?’. This is a great way for seekers to hear the gospel in a short and concise manner, and ask questions in our short Q&A after the talk. It also presents a wonderful opportunity for follow up conversations and invitations to church and other Christian Union events

Big Question BBQ & Big Question Ceilidh

These are our two annual big question events, where we encourage members of the Christian Union to invite their friends along for a free barbecue at the end of the academic year, and a ceilidh at the start of term in October. This is an exciting opportunity to create friendships between Christians and seekers, and for people to hear an engaging talk on a big question, similar to those that we explore in our regular Big Question Lunchbar events.


Got questions about Jesus, God or Christianity? Text-a-Toastie provides students in Durham with the opportunity to text in any question in exchange for a toastie (with a filling of their choice.) This is a wonderful chance for seekers to welcome Christians into their homes and for members of the CU to be challenged in how they work together to answer these big questions.

Street Outreach

Two days a week, Christians stand on the bridge of the Students Union and ask people for their thoughts on Jesus, Christianity and the gospel. There is usually a prompt question on the whiteboard that people can interact with, and we like to give out hot drinks in the colder months. This is an incredible way to fulfill the vision of Durham CU by getting to the heart of the student body and understanding the doubts and curiosity that students in our city have about Christianity. 

Arts Evening

Once a year, we invite members of the Christian Union to perform live music, poetry and art to  demonstrate their creative outlooks on the world. There are a plethora of ways in which faith has inspired the arts being performed, and people have the opportunity to hear testimonies from Christians who use their creative gifts to reflect Jesus’ love for the world.

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