Support Us

How you can support the mission of Durham CU.

“Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands! – Psalm 90:17

We’re hugely grateful for all the support we get. Durham CU owes so much to the generous, prayerful work of supporters. If you’d like to join in with that ongoing support, there are a few ways you can do so…


For as much as we labour, it is only the Lord who can turn people’s heart towards Him. So please pray earnestly that there may be fruit from the work of the CU; labourers excited to spread His word in the fertile land of Durham; and for the logistical provision for the work of the CU to take place.

For consistent prayer updates concerning Durham, please join our mailing list using the button below.

Support Financially

The work of the CU heavily relies on donations from people like you, and we greatly appreciate all the support given to us.

If you’d like to help us financially on our mission to proclaim the Gospel, then please follow the instructions below:

Via Cheque

If paying by cheque, please make the cheque payable to “DICCU No.1 Account” and post to:


Durham Students’ Union 

Dunelm House 

New Elvet


Via Bank Transfer

Via bank transfer – please use EW 25 Gift as the payment reference to the following bank account:


Account Number: 50041598
Sort Code: 08-90-70

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